| OK, I'm getting somewhere, but nowhere. Confusion has
now set in. With the name conversion command:
-N "%t/"
it creates a directory for each type of file, but the
names of the files are stuffed up - obvious.
-N "%t/%n.%t"
doesn't create the child directories, but puts all
files in the root directory, after renaming them
to "n<number>.<ext>", where <number> is a number, and
<ext> is the original file extension. In other words,
stuffs it all up!
None of this is useful to me. I NEED the main html
file (not the index file created by Httrack, but the
mirrored html file) in the root directory, and all
other files wherever I want, but for now I just want
gifs in root/gif, jpegs in root/jpg, ... etc. Oh, and
the presets are no good because sometimes I might want
to make a root/classes folder or something.
That last bit is fairly confusing. Simply put, if
httrack is mirroring a file
called "pulled_out_hair.gif", I want that file to be
saved as "/gif/pulled_out_hair.gif".
All other web spiders I've tried spit the dummy when
trying to 'convert' local files ( dependencies are
often not mirrored, but links are created to the
originals ). This is the only program which seems to
have the ability to do what I want. Unfortunately, it
doesn't listen to me very well :-)
Dave. | |