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Subject: Re: Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 11/29/2001 09:06
> - The Update Hack was set.  It should be working on
>   all these non-dynamic images, but it isn't.

Might be javascript code not correctly parsed

> - old.dat, old.lst, and old.ndx are also all of 
>   0.  Apparently they were purged by Scandisk after
>   the reboot.

Agh.. this is the problem: the cache stores all 
references to downloaded files, and if not found, this 
may prevent HTTrack from continuing properly the 
mirror. But big files should have been continued using 
the HTTP/1.1 continue mechanish - strange..

> Every now and then my computer crashes.  It has noth-
> ing to do with HTTrack.  I'm just afraid that it'll 
happen again and the mirror will never finish that
> way!

Hum, HTTrack always tries to flush its cache once a 
file is being downloaded, to prevent this kind of 
problem. But I didn't think about scandisk and its 
tendence to zero-length bogus files :((

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Subject Author Date
Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!

11/29/2001 07:48
Re: Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!

11/29/2001 09:00
Re: Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!

11/29/2001 09:06
Re: Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!

11/29/2001 09:28
Re: Interrupted HTTrack is loading everything again!

11/29/2001 10:14

11/29/2001 17:10

11/29/2001 17:20
Re: Nghh!

12/02/2001 09:50


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