| > i downloaded a site and now i tried to update a
> single page using the following command -
> httrack www.xyz.com/aboutus.aspx O F:Temp -r1 q
> -update
> But instead of updating it delete all other pages
The default is to obsolete parts of a mirror after an update.
To override this add the -X0 flag <http://httrack.com/html/fcguide.html>
If you update only one page, then links on that page will NOT be connected to
other pages in your mirror.
> winhttrack 3.42.2 version.
Update is normally quick except for dynamic pages. It simply asks the site,
has this file changed. I get over 5 pages/sec on dialup.
3.4x has many problems, including redownloading unchanged files during update.
Try 3.32 <http://forum.httrack.com/readmsg/17840/17833/index.html> | |