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Subject: Re: I've tried again but instruction doesn't work?
Author: William Roeder
Date: 11/16/2008 03:22
> is it possible that this instruction
> (authentication) doesn't work with the site   
> ?
yes, it appears that is doesn't work.  With a bogus un/passwd
The captured url was

The last part including the postfile looks like the referring page url

Only other suggestion is log in, and copy your browser's cookie.txt to the
mirror location.

Don't forget to filter out the log out url
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Subject Author Date
Re: I've tried again but instruction doesn't work?

11/15/2008 01:30
Re: I've tried again but instruction doesn't work?

11/15/2008 17:56
Re: I've tried again but instruction doesn't work?

11/16/2008 03:22


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