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Subject: Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html
Author: William Roeder
Date: 03/16/2010 15:03
> Please, let me understand...
> I run a cmq like this httrack -i
> "" -o
> C:\\sitebkp -argumentstring.
Don't give the real arguments, make us Guess.

> In the folder sitebkp I already have a COMPLETE site
> structure. With the new call, httrack stores in
> C:\\sitebkp\\eng\\pages a file called default-1.aspx.
There shouldn't be any file with an aspx extention. You can only get html from
a server. Don't give us the real arguments and we won't have to try.

> Can you explane me why?Probably in the site is a url "site/eng/pages/" which
redirects to the real. Look at the log file to see where it comes from (turn
on extended logging if needed.)

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Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/15/2010 12:28
Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/15/2010 18:38
Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/15/2010 21:49
Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/16/2010 15:03
Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/16/2010 15:36
Re: Httrack stores versioned file (EG: filename-1.html

03/16/2010 16:44


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