| > Thank you in advance.
> > Why don't you tell us what it doesn't get and
> from
> > which page.
> This introduction.swf is not downloaded from page:
> <http://adsenseincome.com/3397/introduction.html>
> Although if you check, the file is there and appears
> o.k when browsed.
You SAID it wasn't getting some SWFs. NOW you say it IS. Then HTT is working
The source contains "FlashVars"
So the swf uses that to get additional data which doesn't exist on your
machine, so the swf doesn't work in the mirror.
cs=intro... isn't a valid url so HTT can't get it even with extended parsing.
> Error on robots.txt:
> 09:29:53 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link
> www.adsenseincome.com/godaddy (from
> www.adsenseincome.com/3397/)
Not found has nothing to do with robots.txt and nothing to do with HTT, Those
are bad links on the site.
You got what you got. A mirror is not a copy. Somethings will not work. | |