| One last one!,
I only want the pdfs listed on this page:
They then point to the pdfs actually being stored here,for example:
Use these scan rules:
The last part of the log file says this:
17:05:54 Info: engine: transfer-status: link updated:
edition.tefl.net/category/talking-point/ -> d:/My Web
17:05:56 Info: engine: transfer-status: link updated:
edition.tefl.net/category/talking-point/page/2/ -> d:/My Web
No files purged
HTTrack Website Copier/3.44-1 mirror complete in 3 seconds : 3 links scanned,
3 files written (49136 bytes overall), 2 files updated [8230 bytes received at
2743 bytes/sec], 27274 bytes transfered using HTTP compression in 2 files,
ratio 27%
(No errors, 0 warnings, 2 messages)
But there is no index.html page! So is the lack of a html link page the
problem? Thanks again.
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