HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: possible bug adding http://
Author: Jing
Date: 04/24/2012 23:04
Some more info

It looks like the httrack does not support frame and area tag at all.

Original in /mapm/eng/engbanner.html
[map id="eng_ban" name="eng_ban"]
  [area href="intro_frame.html" shape="rect" coords="5,95,80,130"
  alt="Takes you home" /]
  [area href="/mapm/app/app_frame.html" shape="rect" coords="110,95,260,130"
  alt="Takes you to our interactive maps" /]
  [area href="/mapm/data/data_frame.html" shape="rect"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you to downloadable databases" /]
  [area href="/mapm/doc/docu_frame.html" shape="rect" coords="450,95,640,130"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you discussions of what we did and why" /]
  [area href="/mapm/graph/graph_frame.html" shape="rect"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you to our gallery" /]
  [area href="/mapm/fra/frabanner.html" shape="rect" coords="650,20,770,50"
  target="Header" alt="Changez la langue du site" /]


[map id="eng_ban" name="eng_ban"]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/intro_frame.html shape="rect"
  alt="Takes you home" /]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/mapm/app/app_frame.html shape="rect"
  alt="Takes you to our interactive maps" /]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/mapm/data/data_frame.html shape="rect"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you to downloadable databases" /]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/mapm/doc/docu_frame.html shape="rect"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you discussions of what we did and why" /]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/mapm/graph/graph_frame.html
shape="rect" coords="660,95,760,130"
  target="Main" alt="Takes you to our gallery" /]
  [area href=http://about_frame.html/mapm/fra/frabanner.html shape="rect"
  target="Header" alt="Changez la langue du site" /]

I was trying to preserve <>

Second BUG:
In addition, the URL fetching is broken if there are spaces. for instance

[a href="documents/Gardens/Gardens for a snowy climate 2.pdf" target="_blank"
class="docfile"]Gardens for a snowy climate 2.pdf[/a]

The pdf file won't download due to the space. 
example site: <> 

Third BUG:
Well, the above issue should be able to fix. But I don't know how to do this
For instance, the uses javascript to make sure the
page is load successful, otherwise it append "todo=redo&" to refresh it. Then
it becomes a dead loop, which is not able to get out. Similar things happened
for many other program driven websites, e.g. guest book and etc. frankly, I do
not know how to solve it yet. (Hash on the URL, maybe?)

Anyway, this piece of software is very useful. It has much better features
than many other software. Especially it can be use for website preservation,
which is a brand new research topic.
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Subject Author Date
possible bug adding http://

04/24/2012 20:48
Re: possible bug adding http://

04/24/2012 23:04
Re: possible bug adding http://

04/24/2012 23:18
Re: possible bug adding http://

04/25/2012 02:08


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