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Subject: Re: Scan rules
Author: William Roeder
Date: 05/30/2012 15:27
> I cannot understand the logic your program is using
> for scan rules. 
Matching rules on the right override matching rules on the left.

> 1. Mirror ONLY URLs that contain strings
> "/viewforum.php?" OR "/viewtopic.php?". 2. Do not
> mirror ANY other URLs. 3. Also do not mirror URLs
> that contain "view=next" OR "view=previous" together
> with "/viewforum.php?" OR "/viewtopic.php".
Nothing but viewforum or viewtopic but not next/previous:
-* +*/viewforum* +*/viewtopic* -*view=next* -*view=previous*

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Subject Author Date
Scan rules

05/29/2012 22:49
Re: Scan rules

05/30/2012 15:27


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