| I pointed to <http://www.httrack.com/html/fcguide.html>
> 1) The manual says that -P1 is related to a proxy.
> What does this have to do with the filters?what does -p have to do with -P?
Expert options:
pN priority mode: (* p3) (--priority[=N])
Proxy options:
P proxy use (-P proxy:port or -P user:pass@proxy:port)
> 2a) The result from running this with --get does not
> create any sub-paths with the urls and it only
> fetches 1 file per url. Both is not what is needed,
YOU said you were getting one file
> because my parsing software cannot detect to whch
> url a file belongs.
Read the footer placed in the file. It contains the original URL. | |