| 1) Always post the command line used (or log file line two) so we know what the
site is, what your settings are, etc.
2) Always post the URLs you're not getting and from what URL.
3) Always post anything USEFUL from the log file.
4) If you want everything use the near flag (get non-html files related) not
> I am trying to download a website which uses a
> server-side url-rewrite system.
Irrelevant. You can only get the html output and referenced files from the
public side of a web server. A mirror is not a copy. It is a static collection
of files.
> there is no page like
> <http://www.mywebsite.com/index.php> but only
> <http://www.mywebsite.com/> and the other pages are
A collection of files means the page will be written in the form
indexHHHH-NNN.html HH is hex, NN are numbers, depending on the local structure
type selected.
> then accessed using <http://www.mywebsite.com/page1/>
> (on the server side it is page1.php) or
> <http://www.mywebsite.com/sub/page2/> (on the server:
> /sub/page2.php) and the like
Local structure=site structure you'll get BASE\PROCJECT\SITE\sub\page2.html or
Local structure=html in web you'll get index.html index-1.html etc.
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