| > i have a problem with cloning my website exactly as
> it is. I run it on wordpress and the article urls
> are like:
> <http://www.url.xy/this-is-my-title>
I'm not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve - you do not want the
".html" type to be put, and keep the original names (ie. /some-example) ? This
isn't possible currently, and anyway you'll have troubles making the
downloaded files be recognized by your server unless some kind of magic MIME
content recognition is done (because there is no way for the server to know
that /my-web-page is actually an HTML file if it is a static file). Besides,
you'll also have issues with "empty" filenames (ie.
Anyway this is an option I also wanted to add, so this will be done for the
next major release:
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