| I'm trying to download the site <https://app.contaazul.com.br/auth/> URL,
But I'm getting this is the log.
11:14:48 Error: "Unable to get server's address: unknown error" (-5) after 2
retries at link primary / robots.txt (from primary / primary)
11:14:48 Warning: Retry after error -5 (Unable to get server's address:
Unknown error) at primary link /% 40forde.com now: forde @
<https://app.contaazul.com.br/> (from primary / primary)
11:14:48 Warning: Retry after error -5 (Unable to get server's address:
Unknown error) at primary link /% 40forde.com now: forde @
<https://app.contaazul.com.br/> (from primary / primary)
11:14:48 Error: "Unable to get server's address: unknown error" (-5) after 2
retries at link primary /% 40forde.com now: forde @
<https://app.contaazul.com.br/> (from primary / primary)
11:14:48 Warning: No data seems to have been Transferred During this session!
: Restoring previous one! | |