| > Finally I managed to compiled a version of WinhTTrack
> under VC.NET, (VC7).
> Warning: no document names in string for template #128.
Darn.. I'm sorry but I have no clue for that.. I'll have to
find a VC7 installed somewhere and try. I remarked that
some MFC macros were quite different ; this might be that?
> Warning: failed to load menu for CFrameWnd.
> Detected memory leaks!
Humm.. I hope they did not do nasty things with MFC classes
backward compatibility
> What could be the problem? seems setup issue.
No idea :(
> If you send me email, I can send you the report on what I
> have changed on the code.
Yes, please do so (roche@httrack.com)
I'll have to compile on VC7 one day anyway
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