| I just installed webhttrack (Version: 3.48.1-4ubuntu1) via the package
When I run it I get an error in the browser displaying the following:
"This site can’t be reached
p5q-em refused to connect."
I have tried the following:
* disable firewall
* run from terminal as user
* run from terminal as root
* comment out /etc/hosts.allow
* comment out /etc/hosts.deny
* open port in router (even though I know it's a loopback)
* tried in chrome & ff
* stood on right foot w/ my tongue out left side of mouth
* threw salt over left shoulder
* yelled at computer with deepest register of voice I could muster
Yet, none of the above is helping.
Desktop Mint 17.x (64) install
No proxy
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing the issue? | |