| It seems -c and -%c options are ignored.
Test command on wikipedia:
httrack <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page> -O /tmp/ttt -r999 -A1000000
-c10 -%c30 -T3 -R5 -K4 -n -N %h%p/%n%q_%M.%t -s0 -F Mozilla/5.0 -%F -%l
“ru” -q -z -Z -v -%A
-%H -%! +wikipedia.org/* +*.wikipedia.org/*
There are always just 4 established https connections.
And changing -c and -%c options does not affect that.
So, if i run -c1 -%c1 - there are 4 established connections.
And if i run -c10 -%c100 - there are also just 4 connections.
What do you think?Thank you. | |