| I have just downloaded HTTrack and started it for the first time under Windows
10 Home v 1803. It crashed after some hours and I was advised by the software
to forward the CRASH.TXT file to you - here is the text:
HTTrack 3.49.2 closed at '.\htscache.c', line 401
Reason: zip_zipCloseFileInZip_failed
Stack trace:
unknown [WinHTTrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
coucal_dec [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
hts_is_available [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
copy_htsopt [libhttrack]
hts_main2 [libhttrack]
unknown [WinHTTrack]
htsthread_init [libhttrack]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
endthreadex [MSVCR90]
BaseThreadInitThunk [KERNEL32]
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