HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: website only works with additional directories
Author: Good Luck
Date: 03/19/2020 15:07
Take a look at the URL you set httrack to mirror.

Does that URL reflect in any way the
"\ajax\libs\jquery\1.11.1" that you posted?
If the original URL you set httrack to mirror does not reflect the
"\ajax\libs\jquery\1.11.1" that you posted then you need to
determine what it is that is causing the mirror to only function from that
"\ajax\libs\jquery\1.11.1" link. It might be due to the way
the original site is constructed?
And yes if things are renamed within a local mirror, certain things, depending
on what is renamed (a file or directory) will not work correctly.
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website only works with additional directories

03/18/2020 19:00
Re: website only works with additional directories

03/18/2020 21:38
Re: website only works with additional directories

03/19/2020 07:27
Re: website only works with additional directories

03/19/2020 08:06
Re: website only works with additional directories

03/19/2020 15:07


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