| Turns out the online documentation is just out-of-date. Using "--help" on the
CLI itself returns the following:
Browser ID:
F user-agent field sent in HTTP headers (-F "user-agent name")
(--user-agent <param>)
%R default referer field sent in HTTP headers (--referer <param>)
%E from email address sent in HTTP headers (--from <param>)
%F footer string in Html code (-%F "Mirrored [from host %s [file %s [at
%s]]]" (--footer <param>)
%l preffered language (-%l "fr, en, jp, *" (--language <param>)
%a accepted formats (-%a "text/html,image/png;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.1" (--accept
%X additional HTTP header line (-%X "X-Magic: 42" (--headers <param>)
So the answer to the question is to use "-%X" or "--headers". | |