| Hello there and I truly hope someone can help me with this.Long story short,
EPIC games recently closed the read only archived Unreal Engine 3 forums also
known as UDK. Many devs are in bad luck as now we can not find answers to our
coding problems and Epic does not want to donate the old forum and is probably
planing to delete it...
As my last hope, I was tweaking the links using google and I can see the pages
of the forum but I can only view them in broken cached mode. Its still more
than enough as I can see the text of what people wrote.
Is it possible to download allllll of this using HTTRACK ? All the pages in
cached mode ?
Many many pages.(probably 500?) I can not click them , because they redirect
me to a message telling me the forum is closed. They can only be seen in
cached mode.
I can always go manually and save every page by hand, but that is a suicide . | |