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Subject: Re: Xml
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 04/27/2003 08:38
> I run a website which serves *.php documents with the 
> text/xml mime type. HTTrack does not parse (read and 
> links) those documents unless I trick it by having the 
> server send a text/html mime type instead.
> Note that for offline browsing the files need to have 
> a .xml extension so I have to configure HTTrack with --
> assume php=text/xml

HTTrack isn't able to parse XML data -- because it does not 
have the corresponding DTD for that.

Note: XHTML data should be tagged as text/html

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04/25/2003 18:54
Re: Xml

04/27/2003 08:38
Re: Xml

04/27/2003 14:34


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