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Subject: problems to start httrack from command line
Author: henry hesch
Date: 12/03/2003 00:30
Hi, I hope I can explain my problem good enough to receive 
some help and advise.

I have run a WinHTTrack session. It worked fine. I got the 
following code in the doit.log :

-qir1%e1C2%Ps2u1k%h%B%sN1%I0p7p1SaK4H0%kf2A25000%f#f -
F "Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)" -%
F "<!-- Mirrored from %s%s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x 
[XR&CO'2003], %s -->" -%l "en, *" -%
L "E:\master\Htmlscript\MivaMia\Data\system\klassik\z_tools\
amazon.links.txt" -O "C:\0cdneu\amazon","C:\0cdneu\amazon" 
+*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js* -%A 
php3,php,php2,asp,jsp,pl,cfm,nsf=text/html -iC2 -
O "c:\0cdneu\amazon" -iC2 -O "c:\\0cdneu\\amazon\\" -q -
O "c:\\0cdneu\\amazon\\"

I take the links from the "amazon.links.txt - file".
Now I want to change the links and run the task again from 
the command line.

PLEASE :) What do i have to do to run this session from the 
command line ??
THANKS for your help


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Subject Author Date
problems to start httrack from command line

12/03/2003 00:30
Re: problems to start httrack from command line

12/03/2003 06:38
Re: problems to start httrack from command line

12/03/2003 07:18
Re: problems to start httrack from command line

01/10/2006 17:21


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