| > The problem is, that the HMTL source of the site contains
> absolute links to the subpages, e.g.
> <http://www.sitetoarchive/page1.html> instead of just
> page1.html.
It potentially means that the page was not downloaded (if
so, use scan rules, such as +www.sitetoarchive/*), ot some
javascript was involved (in such case, seahc&replace is the
only solution)
> I need an (advanced) option in HTTrack that allows the
> substitution of each link that contains
> <ttp://www.sitetoarchive> with say
> <>.
On Linux/Unix, a simple line such as:
find . -type f -name "*.html" -exec sh -c "cat {} |
sed -e 's/www.sitetoarchive/'>_tmp && mv -
f _tmp {}" \;
should do the trick.
| |