What was the page you could view like?
Did it have local links or was everything external?
Are you sure you're browsing the off-line site?When browsing off-line was the
URL of the form:
(Example := HTTrack download directory)
(index.html := main page you told httrack to download)
If so, find size of directory you downloaded it to.
(In windows, My Computer>>click to HTTrack directory)
(Right click HTTrack directory and get properties)
Is it about the right size, in total Mb and # of files?If not, 1st make sure
it's the right directory
If so: HTTrack didn't download it right.
If something isn't downloaded, it's usually because:
1. Main link page was not in project Web-addresses
or URLs in non-standard syntax or format
2. the Option>>Limits>>mirror depth didn't go far enough
OR settings don't match site bandwith/robot limts
set Option>>:
Limit>>Maximum transfer rate 10 KB/s
Spider>> "1 connection" and "Do Not Follow"
Browser ID>> IE 5
3. the Option>>Scan Rules filter settings didn't allow it
if it's non-html set:
Option>>Link>>Get non-html files related to a link
and check Option>>MIME settings for files
4. absolute links embeded in:
5. used catch-url/proxy wrong on passworded site
6. lost write access to drive (due to space or network)
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