| Good question.
I think I have seen this happen on occasion. The docs say
that by default it has to stay in the specified branch
(whatever you put in the "Web Addresses" (URL)" box in the
project config). When it seemed to violate that default
behavior I was usually able to cure it by doing what you
did - add filters like
"+www.example.com/mypage/*" and "-www.example.com/*"
But remember, the "-www.example.com/*" should preceed
"+www.example.com/mypage/*" because the filter engine reads
to the end of the filter list to find a
permission/restriction. However, if you got that backwards
("-www.example.com/*" last) you wouldn't get anything
from "www.example.com" ; I think you are saying that it
goes into "www.example.com/*" and beyond (external).
Also, you haven't specified anything in the "Web Addresses"
(URL)" box in addtion to "www.example.com/mypage/" have
you ? That could make it go beyond "www.example.com" in
spite of your filters on "www.example.com/*" .
So, I too await a more insightful answer from Xavier Roche. | |