HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: "Mirrored from" information in htm-source code
Author: Stefan
Date: 01/06/2005 11:16

when I use HTTrack (WinHTTrack Website Copier 3.31 (+swf))
to mirror some documents from our Lotus Notes Domino server
I get .htm files which include the complete URL as a comment
in the html-source code.

Like this:

<!-- Mirrored from
by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2003], Thu, 08 Jan 2004
08:01:55 GMT -->

I disabled the foot-line in HTTrack to get rid if this
NotesID information on the htm pages, which worked fine for
the visible part.
Unfortunately this comment still is included in the documents.
You probably can guess that the knowledg of a NotesID is a
possible security problem because documents can allways be
accessed by the NotesID even when they are disabled for
beeing displayed in the web (this gets deep into Lotus Notes
- but the problem should be clear).
Is it possible to switch of the URL in the comment that
HTTrack includes in the html-source code?
How?Or if not, would it be possible in future?
I thik this would be an enourmus increase of security for
some applications.

Many thanks in advacne

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Subject Author Date
"Mirrored from" information in htm-source code

01/06/2005 11:16
Solution found

01/06/2005 13:24


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