| I created a patch to allow this:
*** src/htsname.c 2004-12-20 19:51:33.000000000 +0100
--- /root/htsrc/htsname.c 2005-01-14
14:33:16.000000000 +0100
*** 360,364 ****
! } else { // test imposible dans le cache,
faire une requête
--- 360,378 ----
! } else { /* PATCH BY BRIAN SCHRÖDER. Lookup
mimetype not only by extension, but also by filename */
! if (is_userknowntype(fil)) { // mime known by
! char BIGSTK mime[1024];
! mime[0]=ext[0]='\0';
! get_userhttptype(0,mime,fil);
! if (strnotempty(mime)) {
! give_mimext(ext,mime);
! if (strnotempty(ext)) {
! ext_chg=1;
! }
! }
! } else
! // test imposible dans given mime type
! /* END OF PATCH */
! { // test imposible dans le cache,
faire une requête
*** 606,609 ****
--- 620,624 ----
+ }
Feel free to use or improve upon it.
Brian Schröder | |