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Subject: Re: How to control hits / minute?
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 11/20/2001 19:56
> I am trying to mirror a site that does not allow 
> crawling at faster than 8 hits / minute (average).  
> have tried various settings, even setting the 
> simultaneous connections to 1, but still get errors 
> my mirror indicating that I am crawling too fast.

You can limit the hits at 1 hit/second (60/minute) - 
8/minute is quite LOW, and therefore you may want to 
use the bandwidth limiter (to something like 100 
bytes/s), and 1 connection, this may be sufficient.
If not, you may have to use the -V option (execute an 
external command after each file being stored) with 
something like -V "sleep 8" - for example in the 
filter list, add:
-V "C:\winnt\sleep.exe 1"

(the sleep.exe program must be present)
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Subject Author Date
How to control hits / minute?

11/19/2001 21:53
Re: How to control hits / minute?

11/20/2001 19:56


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