| > I don't understand the difference between the
> default "Build" and the one where the domain name is
> removed. I didn't see it in the documentation or on this
> board.
The difference is the local naming convention:
C:/My Web Sites/My Project/www.example.com/foo/bar.html
C:/My Web Sites/My Project/foo/bar.html
> I want to download an entire website (8 MB) that has been
> posted on geocities.com (now blocked at my office), and
> then upload it to another server.
> Which build should I use to minimize the number of links
> have to recode (i.e., I want relative addressing or the
> option of typing in a new domain name and having HTTrack
> change it while downloading the website).
Kepp all options as is, and optionally setup an empty
footer comment to preseerve the html (in 'Set
Options' / 'Browser ID' = '(none)')
All links will be rebuilt relatively, so you don't have
anything to change inside the pages.
Just copy the www.yoursite.com/* content at the new site's
place (you could also copy it on a CDrom or on a regular
folder - it will work wherever you put it)
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