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Subject: Re: How to make httrack download all before moving on
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 05/10/2005 21:07
> The problem is the httrack wants to parse all these
> directories before it explores them for files I want. 
> This is a problem because there are 8000+ directories. 
> Is it possible to tell httrack "hey, when you find a
> directory under, explore that
> directory ENTIRELY before moving on to the next"?
Err, no - because the engine always scans "by link layer" (that is, layer N
before layer N+1), and there is no way to "re-sort" the heap structure.
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How to make httrack download all before moving on

05/09/2005 20:25
Re: How to make httrack download all before moving on

05/10/2005 21:07


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