| Hello,
I've made a simple save-file2 callback that prints
all the parameters.
The first time I download a site, it correctly says
is_new = 1 and is_modified = 1 , and new.txt shows all
the links in "added" state.
The rest of the time, although new.txt shows "untouched"
state, "is_new" and "is_modified" are still reported as true.
I can put my web files in a public site if you want
to see it. The httrack command line that I'm using is:
/usr/local/bin/httrack -iC2 -k -q -%u -%n -%s -%p -%k -v -%v0 -u0 -o0 -X0 -%p
-I0 -s0 -a -%U username -%A php3,php,php2,asp,jsp,pl,cfm,nsf=text/html -%W
save-file2=/usr/local/bin/callback.so:save_file2 -R2 -T20 -O
,.hts-cache- -r5 -M209715200 +/* <> | |