| Hello,
Im trying to mirror this URL
It only downloads this:
date size'/'remotesize flags(request:Update,Range state:File
response:Modified,Chunked,gZipped) statuscode status ('servermsg')
MIME Etag|Date URL localfile (from URL)
09:15:25 713/713 ---M-- 200 added ('OK') text/html
date:Sat,%2007%20Jun%202003%2021:29:58%20GMT <http://www.bbvanet.com/>
www.bbvanet.com/index.html (from )
09:15:29 480/480 ---M-- 200 added ('OK') text/html
www.bbvanet.com/index_default.html (from <http://www.bbvanet.com/>)
It stops after "index_default.html", I guess it's
something related to the "https" protocol.
PS: this is my command line:
httrack -iC2 -q -k -%u -%n -%s -%p -%k -v -%v0 -u0 -o0 -X0 -%p -I0 -s0 -a -%U
username -%A php3,php,php2,asp,jsp,pl,cfm,nsf=text/html -%! -c8 -%c10 -R2 -r7
-T20 -O ,.hts-cache-www.bbvanet.com -M1073741824 -'*.jpg' -'*.gif' +'/*'
<http://www.bbvanet.com/> -A100000000
| |