| Using continuously HTTrack command line version to download websites I noticed
that many temporary files (named like s5b4, s3e8, s4mo without extension) are
left on the root of the disk where HTTrack is installed.
I've not a clear repro case, but for example it oflen happens launching this
comman line:
<http://www.clubic.com/actualite-20724-alan-wake-s-illustre-davantage.html> -r2
-M10000000 -E1200 -I0qw%e0C0%Ps2u1%s%uN0%I0p7DdK4H0%kf2%f#f-%F " " -F
"Mozilla/4.5 (compatible;MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)" -%l "en, en, *" +*.gif
+*.jpg +*.css +*.js -%A php3,php,php2,asp,jsp,pl,cfm,nsf=text/html -O clubic
There is some options to remove (or avoid the creation) of these temp files?
Thanks in advance
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