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Subject: Re: Testing password protected links
Author: Leto
Date: 07/29/2005 01:19
> I have pages on an internal web.  I test the links on these pages nightly,
with a cron job.  Some of the links, but not all, require a standard (not
form) login by using an access control list.  How would I add a login to these
links?  - The login is the same for all of them, but I hoped that I wouldn't
have to add the links to the command line individually.  I tried the
login:passwd@ syntax for the proxy, but that didn't work (I don't have to log
into the proxy).

Hmm good question.  Is it possible to start at one of the pages that requires
a log-in, adding user:pass@ to that URL, and kind of work backwards through
the site?
I guess HTTrack only uses the user:pass@ parameters for the start URLs and not
if it encounters HTTP-auth prompts later during capture.
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Testing password protected links

07/28/2005 14:24
Re: Testing password protected links

07/29/2005 01:19
Re: Testing password protected links

07/29/2005 01:21
Re: Testing password protected links

07/29/2005 20:28
Re: Testing password protected links

08/02/2005 15:10
Re: Testing password protected links

08/03/2005 01:46
Re: Testing password protected links

08/03/2005 14:49


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