HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: webhttrack has a bug regarding path of index.html
Author: cyberpatrol
Date: 08/19/2005 20:52
Hi Xavier!

When I started 'webhttrack browse' on Linux by clicking on the K-Menu item
"Browse Websites Mirrored by WebHTTrack" the browser gave me this error
message instead of the index.html:

Beim Laden von <file:///home/<user>/websites/index.html> ist folgender Fehler
Die Datei oder der Ordner /home/<user>/websites/index.html existiert nicht.

In English (translated freely):
While loading <file:///home/<user>/websites/index.html> the following error
The file or directory <file:///home/<user>/websites/index.html> doesn't exist.

In webhttrack I changed the base directory to a different partition.

I found that the command webhttrack browse executes these commands:

# "browse" command
if test "$1" = "browse"; then
launch_browser "${BROWSEREXE}" <file://${HOME}/websites/index.html>
exit $?fi

I changed the argument <file://${HOME}/websites/index.html> to
"file://<mybasedirectory>/index.html" by hand but to get the right
<basedirectory/index.html> on every installation automatically the argument
<file://${HOME}/websites/index.html> in the mentioned part of the script
/usr/bin/webhttrack should be replaced by the path setting in the file


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Subject Author Date
webhttrack has a bug regarding path of index.html

08/19/2005 20:52


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