| > We'd also love to hear from any hardcore proxy
> server
> programmers. It would be great to have these sites
> work
> seamlessly on campuses in Africa so that students
> can type
> in the actual URL of a site and either get the
> version
> cached on a 120GB hard drive with other entire sites
> or
> the new page if it has been updated (possibly
> depending on
> rights/status (student, staff, or faculty etc.)).
This is going to be possible, as I started to write an "addon" project for
httrack, "ProxyTrack" (http://www.httrack.com/proxytrack/ ; see announcement
at <http://forum.httrack.com/readmsg/12180/index.html>)
Do not hesitate to give feedback/suggestions regarding the ProxyTrack project
in this forum!
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