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Subject: Re: Downloading problem
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 12/03/2005 14:55
> is it possible to download all "id's" - to download
> all pages - increasing id=0001 to id=0002 and so on
> each cycle?
Nope. But you can do this very easily in bash shell:

while test "$i" -lt 100; do
echo <${i}">;
i=$[$i + 1]
done) > list.txt

Or on Windows platforms, with the cygwin-bash version, or with applications
such as excel I imagine.

I think there is also a tool to do that, but I forgot the name (shame on me)
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Downloading problem

11/27/2005 18:02
Re: Downloading problem

12/03/2005 14:55


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