| Hi Xavier,
I am having trouble downloading some pages with WinHTTrack 3.40 and I thinking
it has to do with whitespace embedded in the link. (I read earlier posts on
this.) I am trying to get pages that are linked from this page:
<http://www.sqlmag.com/development/>. HTTrack does not load them and the error
log shows no attempt to download them. The links are scripted as follows:
(left angle bracket)h3 class="articletitle"(right angle bracket)(left angle
bracket)a href="/Article/ArticleID/49041/
Catch_That_Bug.html"(right angle bracket)Catch That Bug!
The whitespace appears to be composed of tabs and carriage returns/linefeeds.
Note that one line is entirely whitespace.
Thank you for your efforts with HTTrack. It's a great tool. - Mike | |