HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: Re: Date
Author: Leto
Date: 03/15/2006 22:47
> I've a back-up of a site (all site i made in
> html+photos) done with WinHTTrack 3.23.
> I need to know the exact date of publishing of these
> pages.
> Does the HHTrack download a site "as is", so the
> date of the HMTL pages are the date of publishing?> Is it possible to change
this behaviour of HTTrack
> and if so, how?> 
> I've seen that in the directory hts-cache there are
> some files: the file called "new.txt" contains same
> information obout the object mirrored.
> Is there some documentation to correct-read this
> file?

I *think* the saved HTML files are not time-stamped with the datetime as
provided by the server -- just the locally saved time.

"new.txt" should have a column "etag/date" where you might find the
modification date of the web pages.  This is dependant on the server of course
-- generally static HTML pages will have a correct timestamp, however dynamic
pages typically always return the current datetime.
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Subject Author Date

03/12/2006 12:18
Re: Date

03/15/2006 22:47


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