| > When writing .html files from our .aspx pages the
> program includes  symbols at some spots in the
> final .html page that can not be found in the code,
> they only appear in the browser, very ugly.
> <http://www.thingymajigger.com/shop/browse.aspx?mode>=
> software&pid=497024
The server is announcing "utf-8" as charset, and the page "iso-8859-1". But
httrack is normally merging the header's charset inside the page, except if
you disabled the "footer" option:
<!-- Added by HTTrack --><meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html;charset=utf-8"><!-- /Added by HTTrack -->
Disabling the "footer" string has a side effect: this will prevent httrack
from generating the additional meta, and will force the browser to interpret
the page as "raw" ISO-8859-1 as (bogusly) announced in the page.
I'll fix this issue in the next release - in the meantime you can fix the
"iso-8859-1" meta lines int he html files.
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