| Howdy, Xavier!
Does HTTRACK go back to pages it has already scanned
if the option is set to go down only, but links farther
down go back to previous pages anyway? At any rate,
I've already reset the maximum number of links otion to
1,000,000,000 but don't know if the program will handle
that value. Will it? Also, don't think that the server
is getting clobbered; that web site is designed for lots
of traffic. As I stated in the original post, Aaron's
WebVacuum will get several hundred thousand files before
getting bogged down due to the number of links. I am
using a DSL connection. If I set the options to not purge
old files, will HTTRACK try to re-download existing files?I have unchecked the
option for loading updates to a cache;
is that a problem? <http://community.webshots.com> is just
one web site that will lock up HTTRACK , so it would be
great if you can find a way to fix this problem. Thanks!
Charles Whittle | |