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Subject: something weird is happening cant download
Author: new and green
Date: 07/25/2006 00:13
well i was on this site and its giving me a lot of problems to download.

I was wondering am i doing something wrong i am very new at downloading
websites and httrack. any way this is what i did.

1) i typed in the project name

2)pasted the web adress

3 selected the download web site option

4) then i pressed finish

the problem is that the downloading process kept on going on and on for over
six minutes until the size reached 7mb.
I thought this was too long and thaught there was something wrong so i stopped
the process

did i do something wrong in the stepps above??? I am new at this so i didn't
touch any settings is there a setting that i needed? Someone please help

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something weird is happening cant download

07/25/2006 00:13


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