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Subject: Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump
Author: Rajesh Nikam
Date: 07/28/2006 10:36
Following crash is generated for libhttrack.dll. 
When I opened crash dump with WinDbg it browsed to fspc () function form
From the disassembly, we could observe that it matches.

What I guess is,  strc is not pointing to valid memory location.

Please let me know your comments.


FAULT ->01f32fbe 8b4804           mov     ecx,[eax+0x4]    
ds:0023:00021a4c=????????        01f32fc1 83c101           add     ecx,0x1

Source code:
FAULT-->				strc->warning++; <-----

*----> State Dump for Thread Id 0x1794 <----*

eax=00021a48 ebx=00000000 ecx=020ec370 edx=020ec370 esi=03300040 edi=02e7ef30
eip=01f32fbe esp=02e7ed20 ebp=02e7ef30 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010246

*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for X:\dev\htttrack4.31\libhttrack.dll
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for
X:\dev\htttrack4.31\libhttrack.dll - 
function: libhttrack!hts_buildtopindex
        01f32fa0 837df400         cmp     dword ptr [ebp-0xc],0x0
        01f32fa4 746e             jz  libhttrack!hts_buildtopindex+0x83daa
        01f32fa6 6868c30e02       push    0x20ec368
        01f32fab 8b4510           mov     eax,[ebp+0x10]
        01f32fae 50               push    eax
        01f32faf e8c1b2f7ff       call    libhttrack!jump_toport+0x4b
        01f32fb4 83c408           add     esp,0x8
        01f32fb7 85c0             test    eax,eax
        01f32fb9 7511             jnz libhttrack!hts_buildtopindex+0x83d62
        01f32fbb 8b45f4           mov     eax,[ebp-0xc]
FAULT ->01f32fbe 8b4804           mov     ecx,[eax+0x4]    
ds:0023:00021a4c=????????        01f32fc1 83c101           add     ecx,0x1
        01f32fc4 8b55f4           mov     edx,[ebp-0xc]
        01f32fc7 894a04           mov     [edx+0x4],ecx
        01f32fca eb48             jmp libhttrack!hts_buildtopindex+0x83daa
        01f32fcc 6860c30e02       push    0x20ec360
        01f32fd1 8b4510           mov     eax,[ebp+0x10]
        01f32fd4 50               push    eax
        01f32fd5 e89bb2f7ff       call    libhttrack!jump_toport+0x4b
        01f32fda 83c408           add     esp,0x8
        01f32fdd 85c0             test    eax,eax

*----> Stack Back Trace <----*
ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child              
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
02e7ef30 01ed82b8 00000000 02131c60 020ec368
02e85d20 0203aee7 021aebc0 03000068 02ec6d28
02e95db0 02006b42 02ec2618 02eb1610 02eb0e08
02eb9678 01f1ed79 02ec2618 02ec2598 02f1cd34
02f0cbac 01f58ea3 03023718 03000068 01ead1b8
02f1cd34 01d2caa1 0000002f 021ac818 03000068

// écrire n espaces dans fp
HTS_INLINE int fspc(httrackp *opt,FILE* fp,const char* type) {
  fspc_strc* strc = &opt->state.fspc;

  if (fp) {
    char s[256];
    time_t tt;
    struct tm* A;
    if (A == NULL) {
      int localtime_returned_null=0;
    if (strnotempty(type))
			fprintf(fp,"%s\t%c%s: \t",s,hichar(*type),type+1);
			fprintf(fp,"%s\t \t",s);
		if (strc != NULL) {
			if (strcmp(type,"warning")==0)

FAULT-->				strc->warning++; <-----

			else if (strcmp(type,"error")==0)
			else if (strcmp(type,"info")==0)
	else if (strc == NULL) {
		return 0;
	else if (!type) {
		strc->error=strc->warning=strc->info=0;     // reset
	else if (strcmp(type,"warning")==0)
    return strc->warning;
  else if (strcmp(type,"error")==0)
    return strc->error;
  else if (strcmp(type,"info")==0)
    return strc->info;
  return 0;

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Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump

07/28/2006 10:36
Re: Httrack crashed ; more info attached

07/28/2006 11:11
**** Re: Httrack crashed ; more info attached ***

07/28/2006 11:21
Re: Httrack crashed ; more info attached

07/29/2006 08:26
**** Re: Httrack crashed ; more info attached ***

07/29/2006 08:27
Re: Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump

07/29/2006 08:31
****** Re: Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump

07/31/2006 08:06
****** Re: Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump

07/31/2006 08:39
****** Re: Httrack crashed ; please see crash dump

08/04/2006 20:58


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