| (I will not have net connection for some time, so I am trying to mirror some
pages I wil need)
The problem was probably effect of "Get non-HTML files related to a link"
option. (for graphics) but there are still some questions.
The page was <http://alistapart.com/>. In the first case the filters were
standard (+*.png +*.gif +*.jpg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*), and
httrack retrieved many external graphics (that's ok) and firefox install file
(strange) plus some html, js and pdf files (definiely strange for me), in the
second case (much less external files retrieved, mozilla install file not
retrieved, but some .js files and html files retrieved - still strange, not in
filters) filters were -* +alistapart.com* +www.alistapart.com* +*.png +*.gif
+*.jpg +*.css +*.js -ad.doubleclick.net/*
(option names may be a bit different, but should be recognisable, I am
translating them back to english)
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