| hello,
by the way. beta 5 project has launched yesterday evening.
ok lets see whats happening. report follows later on.
this side is tested by me for a few times. hopefully they have mercy with me
and keep a balanced mind. or will i be on a bandwith-abuser black list very
soon. ?
this would be one of the most important sides for my homeopathic friend.
would be nice if beta 5 mirror is useable.
Can you check how many files are created inside your project directory ? This
might be some filesystem limit.
speedcommander says:
folder : 910
files: 32305
bytes: 1.289.905.819 (1,20 GB)
total bytes: 1.608.744.960 (1,49 GB)
don`t understand bytes - total bytes ??
well for my opinion filelimit is not realistic, because with this memory
consuming 3.40-2 i mirrored the same side and have many more files .
folder: 945
files: 505056
bytes: 1.35 giga
total: 1.81
i even mirrored the robert koch institut with over 3.5 giga and more files.
but i must admit i did not check the error report in detail like now.
last question for this morning, if you don`t mind.
i did not write ist down, just from my rams (mind memory)
before beta 4 was terminated by user i saw on httrack window
on the left side aprox. 3 giga written.
also something like: 60000 files written + aprox 40000 (background download)
after stopping:
speedcommander : only 1.2 or 1.49 giga and 32305 files
what happened to the rest of files and giga bytes?
all the best from the niederrhein
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