| Strange thingh happended:
In despair I had changed all settings to "standard" - "Can go down",
"everywhere on the web" "follow robots.txt" of course "get non HTML files"
(turned on by default). Instead I tried to set up mirroring depth to 2. And
(lol, surprise) it worked - and downloaded (lol again) only 1st levels of
external pages, not the second. But (unfortunately) only about 10% of the
pages are ok.
Many lacks some parts (mainly images, i.e. httrach didn't download image
declared like this:
#content {width: 608px;background: url(http://img.turbomilk.com/back2.gif)
no-repeat 0 0;float: left;margin: 0 0 -71px 0;position: relative;top: -71px;}
page (external) was www.turbomilk.com, images are from img.turbomilk.com. many
images mirrored without problems but not in this case.
- it downloaded other page images from that domain so address or depth wasn't
a problem probably.
Some lack css style. When the style is declared like that:
-------------------------1st page---------------
<link rel="stylesheet" href="c/eps-m-fixed-001.css" type="text/css"
title="fixed" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="c/eps-m-liquid-001.css"
type="text/css" title="liquid" />
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="c/eps-m-plaintext-001.css"
type="text/css" title="plaintext" /
in that case the style wasn't imported, don't know why.
-------------------------2nd page---------------
<style type="text/css">
@import url(http://www.robinhoodairport.co.uk/style/homepage.css);
@import url(http://www.robinhoodairport.co.uk/style/generic.css);
generally, the mirrored pages with @import lack stylesheet
So.. where's the problem ? :> | |