| Hi!
After running HTTrack with an empty footer (-%F ""), resuming the mirroring
with '--continue' fails with an error message:
C:\Documents and Settings\bwiberg\websites\www.mysite.com\2006-09-01>httrack
Example: -%F "<!-- Mirrored from %s by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x
%s -->"
* Option %F needs to be followed by a blank space, and a footer string
C:\Documents and Settings\bwiberg\websites\www.mysite.com\2006-09-01>
Original command line from hts-in_progress.lock or hts-log.txt:
httrack -#p -iC1 -%v -z -%F -%E webmaster@www.mysite.com -H0 -%k -#L1000000
-%l "sv, en, *" -%L urls.txt -n -O . -@i4 -q -R120 -f2 -T
Notice that "" is missing after -%F, causing the error message on resume.
Best regards,
Björn | |