HTTrack Website Copier
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Subject: webhttrack and call to firefox
Author: oc2pus
Date: 11/14/2006 15:11

the new firefox browser is using:
firefox -new-tab "url" instead of the -remote openURL("url" feature.

so do a check for the version:
firefox --version
==> answers with:
Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006

furthermore the script webhttrack is polling on the result of ps for a running
firefox, this is the wrong test if a new-tab was created. Or should I close my
firefox with all the other tabs to "signal" webhttrack that the browser is
closed ?
IMHO, it is better to send a close/finish command from the httrack-website to
the httrack-server ( a button??)

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webhttrack and call to firefox

11/14/2006 15:11


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