| After cpoied whole web site, Each & every link[which points to the same site]
in the copied web site would work but this not happens
see one sample...
I have copied "www.classicdosgames.com". After openig the "INDEX.HTML", I
click on "Atari" - it is working and this link goes to
[Hard disk location] but on others pages of the same site, when I click on the
same link it goes to <http://www.classicdosgames.com/atari.html> [Web server]
instead of above link.
I hope you understand this problem. please fix the same & send me patch.
I am suggesting somethings as follows...
Add the extra facilities/statuses like...
1. "Progress bar" [individual & general],
2. "Site Map" builder,
3. User can view the site map before download the same
4. "Files remaining to copy",
5. User can determine the size of site/s which he/she want to copy
6. After copy the website create the attractive HTML report by different
presets like "Copied files", "Files not present", "General report"...
7. In above "General report", Indicate the files those are not present, like
write thise entries in RED color...
8. HTTrack automatically set the depth of scan & copy the website while
copying the whole website
9. Before copying the perticular website, user can view whole the content in
tree view & select perticular file by checking the check box[I am saying for
Tree view with check boxes], user can determine the size of whole website,
these check box facility will very usefull when wildcads will not applicable
in scannig rule.
10. The very usefull thing is "Search Engine", add the search facility to
copied web site to find perticular word or phrese or anything
11. And last - Make the HTTrack's interface very easy.
At the end - HTTrack is very very usefull utility.
Awaiting for your response | |