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Subject: Re: Have changed the orginal html content
Author: Xavier Roche
Date: 02/28/2002 07:23
> I have tried to download the website 
> into the local hard disk. However, I found that the 
> content of the html files have been changed.
> For example, in the 
page '',
> one of the line's content is 
> 'var depth='../../../';	// the depth of this 
html to 
> root', after the file is download into the hard 
> the content has been changed to 
> 'var depth='../../../index.html';	// the depth 
> of this html to root'

Right - this is one of the few cases where the HTTrack 
engine can not guess if the '../../../' stands for a 
URL (which is generally the case) or a part of an URL..
and therefore it replaces something that should have 
not been replaced.

Try to disable the 'attempt to detect all links' 
option, but I suspect this won't change anything, as 
the '../../../' is detected in the main javascript 
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Have changed the orginal html content

02/28/2002 02:58
Re: Have changed the orginal html content

02/28/2002 07:23


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